6 Easy Bedroom Swaps for Better Sleep

6 Easy Bedroom Swaps for Better Sleep

Your bedroom is probably one of the essential rooms in your house. After a day of working, you just want to lay down on your comfortable mattress and sleep the night away. A good night’s sleep is essential for healthy mental and physical health and overall quality of life.

But for many people, it isn’t that easy and they struggle to fall asleep every night. Short sleep duration means sleeping for less than seven hours in a 24-hour period. It has been revealed that 35.2 percent of all adults in the U.S. sleep for less than 7 hours per night on average.

6 Easy Bedroom Swaps for Better Sleep

Reduced sleep duration has been linked to 7 of the 15 leading causes of death in the U.S., including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes. However, there are simple bedroom swaps that you can do to help improve sleep quality. It is critical to design a bedroom environment that is conducive to sleeping.

  1. White Noise

Environmental noise, mainly induced by foot traffic, noisy neighbors, loud music, and vehicles, is a significant source of poor sleep. In addition, studies show that exposure to traffic noise, particularly at night, raises the risk of hypertension, stroke, and heart disease.

If you have problems sleeping or are easily roused during the night by sounds in your environment, experts advise using a sound conditioner or white noise machine. White noise is a kind of noise that is created by combining sounds of all various frequencies.

White noise is usually used to mask other sounds in a particular location, such as your bedroom. As a result, distracting noises are blocked, and calming sounds such as beach sounds and rainforest sounds could be employed to stimulate sleep. There are many different types of white noise machines. However, if you do not have one, a good alternative would be to play calming sounds from your phone.

  1. Blackout Curtains

Before artificial lighting was invented, the sun was the primary source of illumination. People spent their evenings in the darkness or limited lighting using oil lamps, candles, and bonfires. But now, with the simple flick of a switch, you have instant lighting.

Unfortunately, this technology also has some adverse effects on people. Nowadays, many people do not get adequate sleep due to light coming from streetlights, passing vehicles, or even lights inside the bedroom. Some studies even suggest that exposure to light at night is linked to diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. So it’s essential to limit your exposure to light, especially during sleep.

Use blackout curtains for complete darkness in your bedroom during sleep. It’s a convenient option that will provide you with better sleep quality. In addition, blackout drapery will improve the look of any bedroom.

  1. Bed Essentials

Quality of sleep can be significantly influenced by your bed. Therefore, it is critical to select a mattress that will provide you with sufficient comfort and support. Swapping out bedding for softer sheets or a warmer comforter can help improve sleep quality.

On the other hand, some people feel warm at night or have difficulty falling asleep due to improper sleeping. Everyone has distinct needs, and you can find pillows, mattresses, and blankets that meet your specific requirements. For example, you can find a cooling mattress for side sleepers or a supportive mattress for those with back pain.

  1. Wall Color

Specific colors can make you feel relaxed, while others can stimulate your thoughts and make you feel more awake. Colors in your bedroom, including those on your walls, may have an impact on your sleep. Go for softer shades and softer lighting.

Muted hues are excellent for bedroom walls, with green, blue, and yellow possibly providing the most benefits. You can also use decor to add softer elements to the room. Colors that are too bright should also be avoided in bedrooms. These include vibrant colors such as reds and oranges, which are thought to be energizing and inspiring and may keep you awake at night.

  1. Warm Water or Tea

Drinking warm water before bedtime will help you sleep better. A cup of hot water may aid in the management of stress and anxiety. Hot liquids, such as tea or warm water, have been shown to reduce tension and anxiety. Hot water is a vasodilator, meaning it expands blood vessels and improves circulation. This can aid in muscular relaxation and pain relief.

  1. Remove Distractions

It’s not a good idea to have the television, laptop, or smartphone on while you’re attempting to sleep. The sound and light stimulate your brain and may prevent you from falling asleep. Turn off all electronic screens about an hour before going to bed.

If you find it hard to turn off the television at night, think about removing it from the bedroom. Keep the phone charging away from the bed. Declutter so you don’t wake up to a mess or topple over things on the floor.

Sleep Well to Stay Well

A good night’s sleep is just as vital as a healthy diet, but unfortunately, quality sleep can be challenging. Work stress, disease, and family obligations are all factors that might disrupt a good night’s sleep. Minimize your stress and distractions to improve the quality of your sleep and stay healthy.

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