Spring Cleaning: How to Refresh and Reorganize Your Closet

Spring Cleaning: How to Refresh and Reorganize Your Closet

With spring around the corner, thoughts turn to cleaning and organization. Why not give that cluttered closet a makeover and freshen it up? Many people fear tackling closet organization because the task can be time-consuming and daunting. Experts suggest starting small, like with one section or one category of clothing, and doing a bit at a time.

Another slightly more expensive option is to revamp everything at once by installing a closet organizer. There are alternatives with a lower price tag that can achieve many of the same goals. Whether your ambitions — or closet, for that matter — are big or small, there are plenty of ideas to help your storage space work better for you.

Spring Cleaning: How to Refresh and Reorganize Your Closet

Source: All About Space/ shutterstock.com

Getting Started

Your chances of creating an organized closet increase if you have a plan. One suggestion is to have three large trash bags — for donations, for selling and for trashing — ready for when you dig through your closet’s depths. Many organizations accept clothing, including Vietnam Veterans of America, Goodwill and the Salvation Army. Often, the value of donated items can be taken as a tax deduction.

Keep or Toss?

When deciding whether to keep an item, there are some useful questions to consider. Have you worn the item within the last year? If you haven’t liked it enough to wear it before, you probably won’t in the future. If this item of clothing were destroyed, would you replace it? If not, then it’s not essential.

It might help to have a friend or significant other provide an unbiased opinion on whether a particular item is worth the closet space. Some people have a one-in/one-out policy. For every new item brought into the closet, one has to be taken out. Once the chaff has been eliminated, the question moves to what type of organizational system you want to employ.

Closet Systems

There are closet systems available for every budget. On the high end, well-regarded California Closets will do a home consultation to determine which space-saving design will best meet your needs. The cost for these systems can range as high as $5,000.

For the budget conscious, the Elfa system sold by The Container Store offers many colors and adjustable styles and is particularly suited to apartment dwellers, as that the components are removable.

Closetmaid offers light wooden shelving that can be ordered online. Prices can range up to $2,000.

Thrifty Alternatives

There are many different ways to achieve the same results as expensive closet systems. One alternative is clothing clusters. Rather than storing like items with other similar pieces or by color, consider grouping items that can be worn together in an outfit. Picking out an outfit becomes simpler, and the chances of duplicating an item are reduced.

Shopping then becomes less about spending on a complete ensemble and, instead, about picking single items that can fit into the scheme. Clothing clusters can be further separated into seasons, with groups being rotated to more prominent positions at different times of the year.

Source: maicasaa/ shutterstock.com

Space Saving

Many disorganized closets could use a few design tweaks. Hanging a rod higher will prevent longer clothing from blocking and getting tangled up with items below. If there’s space, having two rods, one above the other, will also reduce crowding.

Other suggestions for maximizing space include using specialized hangers and avoiding wire hangers that can get tangled up with each other. Standard shelf brackets can be turned upside down and affixed to side walls to afford extra hanging space for purses, belts and ties.

If you’ve got a top shelf, chances are it’s got piles of clothes you need a step stool to find. Why not try some shelf dividers to keep stacks segregated and neat?

Strategic Placement

A cornerstone of good, sustainable organization is being able to maintain it. First, make sure there’s good lighting throughout your closet so you can see what you have. You may be able to use nooks and crannies that have been neglected. And don’t forget to use closet doors for hooks and hanging organizers for shoes and smaller items.

Place the items (or categories) that you use most often at eye level. Use hooks for items for robes, pajamas or any item you need to grab quickly. Underwear, socks and hosiery should be in easily accessible zip bags or bins.

Non-wrinkle-prone items like plain t shirts and sweatshirts can be rolled up to save drawer space. Try an umbrella stand for rolled-up yoga mats. Utilize stackable laundry baskets for both storage and to hold dirty clothes for the wash. Metal cubes can be stacked beneath hanging clothes for extra shoe or purse storage.

Seasonal Strategies

Smaller closets pressed for space may necessitate rotating items in and out, according to the season. Options include putting out-of-season items — sweaters, bathing suits, etc. — in space-saving vacuum bags or under the bed in boxes or drawers. If you have attractive suitcases, have them do double duty as storage and stack them to create table tops or sitting spaces.

It might be helpful to have a rolling cart that can be easily maneuvered when changing out seasonal items or searching for something. As you change out items from season-to-season, keep a “discard” bag handy.

Source: barmalini/ shutterstock.com


Once your closet organization is where you want it, there are ways of making it springtime fresh. One of the easiest is to simply recycle used scented dryer sheets by placing them in pockets or on shelves to keep your laundered clothing smelling fresh. It’s also easy to use cotton balls dipped in essential oils to achieve the same effect. Change these items out every month or so.

Homemade potpourri is a great way to personalize closet scent. Ingredients like lavender, lemongrass, rosemary, spearmint and pennyroyal can be parceled into sachets and placed strategically. Artisanal soap bars can perform the same function. Change these out occasionally when the scent becomes muted.

Some substances are effective at absorbing odors. Everyone is familiar with baking soda’s properties, but why not try coffee grounds? Place it in a can with holes in the top and change out as needed. Activated charcoal is a great odor absorber, and it combats mold spores. Place it in a breathable pouch and, every once in a while, place it in the sunlight to release odors.

Mildew can be reduced by homemade sprays, such as a vodka mixture (1:1 with water in a spray bottle) or vinegar (diluted with water for a lighter scent). Store-bought fresheners are also a great option.

When tackling a spring closet spruce up, don’t be intimidated. There are solutions both big and small that can help your closet reflect the freshness of the season.

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