Taking Charge of Your Health in 2023: How to Prevent and Treat Parasitic Infections

Ensuring good health and healthy living is obviously one of your major 2023 resolutions. By now you are looking for the best ways to burn fat faster and eat healthily to promote good health. But, have you ever thought of how to deal with parasites that cause serious infections? Read on.

How to Prevent and Treat Parasitic Infections
Photo by Sora Shimazaki

Parasitic diseases

Parasites are one of the main causes and transmitters of infections and diseases. These microorganisms live on their host for survival. They feed on their host and reproduce, causing infections and diseases.

Three types of parasites cause diseases in humans: ectoparasites, protozoa, and helminths. Parasitic infections are more common in tropical and sub-tropical regions and during warm seasons. This is because such a climate supports these microorganisms’ growth and spread. For example, the deadly malaria parasite causes several deaths in the tropics.

With that being said, parasites and parasitic infections can be found all over the world. In the United States of America, common parasites include cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis intestinalis, trichomoniasis, and toxoplasmosis. These parasites and more are the causes of the many common parasitic infections known in the country. Some of these infections are more predominant in certain areas of the country.

So, what organisms cause these parasitic infections and how can you prevent them? Also, where can you seek treatment when infected?

Causative agents of parasitic infections


These are multi-celled organisms that live or feed on the external part (skin) of their host. These include mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, mites, mange, and lice. Ectoparasites thrive when the weather begins to warm. During this period, you would want to spend some good time outside with your pets after enduring the cold winter.

This is when most pets pick parasites like ticks and fleas, while you can also receive some mosquito bites. Some of these ticks don’t only cause infections in pets but can also spread diseases in humans. Diseases caused by ectoparasites can include babesiosis since ticks transmit the parasite to humans.  Other diseases include trench fever, typhus, encephalitis, and Lyme disease among others.


Unlike ectoparasites, protozoa are single-celled microorganisms that live inside their host for survival. They multiply in their host causing infections like giardiasis, babesiosis, amoebiasis, lambliasis, trichomoniasis, etc. For example, the protozoan parasite, Babesia, causes babesiosis in humans through tick bites. The parasite causes the clotting of the red blood cells of its host, which can be life-threatening. Luckily, babesia treatment is available, and there are several ways to prevent it. Almost all protozoan infections are treatable when diagnosed early. Mostly, your doctor may prescribe medication after diagnosis.


Helminths are also multi-celled invertebrate organisms that can live inside and outside of their host body. Helminths are commonly known as worms. These include roundworms, tapeworms, flatworms, and thorny-headed worms.

How parasitic infections spread

Parasitic infections can spread through various mediums. They can be spread through contaminated food, water, blood, soil, waste, human-to-human transmission, and sex. Some parasites rely on vectors or carriers to spread. For example, mosquitoes serve as vectors to transmit malaria to humans through biting. Some ticks also spread the babesia parasite to humans.

Prevention of parasitic infections

Practicing good hygiene is the surest way of preventing parasitic diseases. You must wash your hands frequently, especially after working in the soil or touching your pets. Cleaning surfaces regularly with detergents or antiseptics also helps you kill parasitic remains. You should also

  • Use insect repellent when going outdoors to prevent insect bites.
  • Drink clean and safe water
  • Cook your foods at the required temperature to kill all parasites that may be hiding inside.
  • Wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly to get rid of all parasites before eating.
  • Ensure preventive measures, like wearing the right clothing, and stocking anti-parasitic medications when traveling to locations known for specific parasites.
  • Practice safe sex by using condoms to prevent infections transmitted sexually.


Seeking medical treatment is the best way of treating parasitic diseases, and most important reporting report it early. If you suspect any parasitic infection, book an appointment with your doctor or visit any registered health facility.

Be very open with whatever symptoms you are experiencing, to get the right treatment. You will be diagnosed to identify the cause of the symptoms and the possible treatments available. In most cases, the doctor will prescribe medication for most types of parasitic infections. Seeking early treatments helps to prevent the spread of what infection you have to other people. Note: self-medication can be very dangerous.


Most people ignore the need to pay specific attention to parasitic infections, despite the possible dangers. As you plan for a healthy 2023, employ basic hygiene techniques at home and the workplace. Also, be careful with what you eat and drink, since they may be contaminated. In addition, take care of your pets, because they can be the carriers of these parasites. Lastly, seek medical treatment when you contract a parasitic infection.

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